astrainer works like a simple type of valve in the industry piping system, that is why it is also call strainer valve. The strainer is a piping component whichfluid flow is passed for purification, filtering or separation from debris such as scale, rust, grit, jointing compound and weld metal in pipelines, cleaning the fluid, protecting equipment and processesfrom harmful effects, and reducing downtime and improving maintenance.
The strainer works by using a filter element of perforated metal, mesh or wedge wire and remove solids from a flow of the fluid mechanically, thus the strainer do not need people manual or actuator to operate the working. Selecting the suitable strainers at correct locations (usually upstream) is necessary to protect expensive and critical downstream equipment such as pumps, flow meters, steam traps, control valves etc.
Even it’s difficult to evaluate the accurate data on a stream’s prospective solids concentration, it is critical data when select the strainer body’s size. The strainer size does not need to be the same as the piping size, it should be chosen by the amount of dust the unit plans to hold and the strainer’s maximum permissible pressure fall. An undersized strainer would necessitate more upkeep in order to keep the components clean. In the worst-case scenario, it can result in pressure drop issues in a procedure stream.
The strainer valve could be divided into different types according to their construction shape:
Y-Type strainer, Basket Strainer, T-Type Strainer.


Strainer Valve Section View

Y Type Strainer