In manual actuated valves, you do not need an outside power source in order to control a valve to the desired position. Commonly they use a hand lever, handwheel, chain or Gear to operate the valves. Hand lever is used to actuate the stems of a small butterfly, ball, and plug valves. Wrench operation is used for small plug valves.Handwheelis popular in smaller valves, it is the most common means of rotating the stem. Normal handwheels can be substituted using a hammer blow or impact handwheels when an easier operation is needed.Chainis used where a handwheel would be out of reach. The stem is fitted with a chain wheel or wrench (for lever-operated valves) and the loop of the chain is brought within one meter of the working floor level.
Gear operators are used for reducing the operating torque. It consists of a hand wheel-operated gear train actuating the valve stem in the case of a manual operator.

Manual operated Valves

Manual Operated Balves Actuation